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Aryan Civilization and the Vedic Age

From 2000 B.C. to 1500 B.C., nomads migrated through the Khyber Pass to northwestern India. They settled along the Ganges River and mingled with the local people, combining their two cultures. This is called acculturation, and through this the Aryan civilization was born.

The Aryan civilization was divided into city-states. Each city-state was ruled by a rajah, or prince. This ruler acted as a military leader, judge, lawmaker, and chief priest. Not much is known about the Aryans because they left few artifacts. What we do know, however, comes from the Vedas.The Vedas were a collection of ritual instructions, hymns, chants, and other religious teachings that were memorized and recited by priests for a thousand years until they were written. This was called the Vedic Age, and it lasted from 1500 B.C. to 500 B.C. The Vedas described the Aryans as people who loved fighting, food, music, and chariot racing.The Vedas also summarized their polytheistic religion which had their gods and goddesses represent the forces of nature.

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Ancient India Civilization Flowboard

By Tess