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Buddhism is similar to Hinduism but has one founder, Siddhartha Gautama. He was a prince who lived happily cooped up in his palace until he discovered the misery and poverty of people outside his walls. He became deeply troubled and decided to meditate under a tree. After meditating for 49 days he became the Buddha or the enlightened one. For the rest of his life he started to spread Buddhism to others by first teaching the Four Noble Truths which were the heart of all Buddhism and then the Eightfold Path which was the way to reach Nirvana.

Four Noble Truths
1. All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow.
2. The cause of suffering is nonvirtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hatred and desire.
3. The only cure for suffering is to overcome nonvirtue.
4. The way to overcome nonvirtue is to follow the Eightfold Path.

The goal of Buddhism is to achieve union with the universe which is called Nirvana. By taking the Eightfold Path one could achieve Nirvana. The Eightfold Path is described as "right views, right speech, right conduct, right effort, right aspirations, right livelihood, right mindfulness, and right contemplation." Like Hindus, Buddhists believe dharma and karma affect how you are born into the next life. There are two different sects of Buddhism though. The first being the Theravana who believe that Buddha is a spiritual guide. The other being the Mahayana who believed Buddha to be a God. The existence of the latter however is quite ironic considering Buddha taught people to reject the idea of priests, formal rituals, and the existence of gods. The teachings of Buddha are symbolized with the wheel with eight spokes. The eight spokes symbolize the the Eightfold Path while the wheel itself symbolizes the endless cycle of rebirth.

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Ancient India Civilization Flowboard

By Tess