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Artist: Shin Kwangho

Title: Untitled #14 

Date: 2012

Medium: Oil painting on canvas

Location: Unix Gallery, New York


Human Emotions

Describe: Shin used mostly a neutral color scheme. He also used some blue, red

green. There is emphasis on the girls face and her hands. The painting is unclear

and blurred. There is a lot of detail in the girl's hands. This piece is bright, the only darkness is the girl's hair.

Analyze: Shin put emphasis on the girls face and her hands by smearing the colors of the rest of the painting together. It is easy to see the figure of the girl but the lines outlining her are smudged in.

Interpret: I immediately look towards the hands in this painting. Shin completed this task because of the definition he put into them. The light colors in this piece give off a happy and silly feeling. This piece looks almost incomplete at the bottom. The girl's face is not seen. In place of it, there is splotchy colors of red, green, her skin color and white. Without showing the face, it leaves the viewer to look at other things in the painting to find the mood. This painting is overall very happy.

Judge: I love the mood I feel through this painting. The way the girl has her hands on top of her head with the famous peace sign showing a sense of fun. I like the small amount of vibrant color in this piece. My favorite part of this painting is the girl's hands. The detail is beautiful and clear. This is one of my absolute favorite paintings.

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Human Emotions

By Adiez