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Artist: Leonid Afremov

Title: Together In The Storm

Date: Unkown

Medium: Oil painting on canvas

Location: Boca Raton, Florida


Human Emotions

Describe: Afremov used a variety of beautiful colors. The painting is dark all 

around and brings the focal point is directly in the center. The painting is slightly 

smudged, looking like rain is covering the lens on a camera. There is a man and woman together, sharing an umbrella.

Analyze: This painting has no pattern or rhythm. It is somewhat messy to resemble the rain. The darkness slowly fades into a bright light in the center. The only definite shapes in the painting are the two people and the umbrella. Afremov used a lot of golds and oranges in this piece.

Interpret: When I look at this painting, my eyes dart to the people in the painting. The light around the people looks warm and inviting. The darkness in the painting resembles sadness and the light shows peace and love. It seems like the two people are on a hard journey in life and are finally reaching a new point where things are better again. I see comfort and love in this painting. The man or woman is not alone on the voyage, they are working. together.

Judge: I love the contrast of dark and light in this picture. I also love the texture given off by the technique of painting Afremov used. The meaning of this piece is really beautiful because it shows that no one is truly alone. I completely love everything about this painting and other paintings that Afremov has done.

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Human Emotions

By Adiez