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Artist: Pablo Picasso

Title: The Weeping Woman

Date: 1937

Medium: oil on canvas 

Provenance: France


Human Emotions

Describe: Picasso used most colors of the color wheel in this painting. The lines

are neat and are easy to depict. The face behind what seems to be hands, is 

crying. The shapes making up this painting are idly shaped and none repeat.

Analyze: There is no definite color scheme in this piece because Picasso used most of the colors in the color wheel. He used more of greens, reds, yellows, and blue. But, he also used purple, black and almost white. This piece has no repeating patterns or shapes. Although, the shapes in the painting are mostly cubical.

Interpret: Immediately when I look at this painting, my eyes are drawn to the light blue section in front of the woman's face. Inside this odd blue shape, I see her mouth and hands. Her hands reach up to her eyes. The hands lead me to her eyes to see that they are sad and shiny, showing that she is crying. The cubical shapes give a sense or hard coldness and not much comfort. The colors of blue, green and purple on her face give off a sad mood.

Judge: I really enjoy the vibrant colors in this piece and how Picasso did not only stick to one color scheme. I like how he used lighter colors to make objects stand out more. I also like how he used purple to accent things on her face. I do really like the meaning of this painting. I find this painting so beautiful because it is simply a woman crying and we cannot see a reason as to why she is crying so her reason can be any that us as the viewers want it to be.

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Human Emotions

By Adiez