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Battle List

- Lexington and Concord April 9,1775 winner= British

- The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga May 10,1775 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Chelsea Creek May 27,1775 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Bunker Hill June 16,1775 winner= British

- The Battle of Quebec December 31,1775 winner= British

- The Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights) August 27,1776 winner= British

- The Battle of White Plains October 28,1776 winner= British

- The Battle of Fort Washington November 16,1776 winner= British

- The Battle of Trenton December 26,1776 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Princeton January 3,1777 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Oriskany August 6,1777 winner= Both claimed victory but neither won

- The Battle of Bennington August 16,1777 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Brandywine September 11,1777 winner= British

- The Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm) September 19,1777 winner= British

- The Battle of Germantown October 4,1777 winner= British

- The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights) October 7,1777 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Monmouth June 28,1778 winner= inconclusive

- The Capture of Savannah December 29,1778 winner= British

- The Siege of Charleston March 29,1780 winner= British

- The Battle of Camden August 16,1780 winner= British

- The Battle of King's Mountain October 7,1780 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Cowpens January 17,1781 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Guilford Courthouse March 15,1781 winner= British

-The Battle of Eutaw Springs September 8,1781 winner= Patriots

- The Battle of Yorktown October 9,1781 winner= Patriots

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Key people/ battle list/ Key battles

By jordan