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October 7, 1789
Bread is scarce and when you can get your hands on it, your out two week's work. We all seem to fear Louis these days; fear seems to be the only concept left of life anymore. Fear of control. Fear of starvation. Fear of harm to the young. We can only put hope in the future days in France. Today we gathered in front of the palace gates with sharp weapons, I carried a gun. Our intentions were so fierce that we passed all the way into the palace. My intentions were never of harm, only of justice. I wasn't so sure about the others after I caught the look of another woman about my age out of the corner of my spectacles. She was there of revenge and not of bread..maybe a lost loved one. I will never know what that woman did after out brief moments together. I only pray that she is home safe with no harm. After a long night, the family agreed to come back to Paris with us on the sixth. Peace is ahead of us.
The Parisian women pictured here were storming the palace to protest the high cost of bread. They stayed over night with weapons in hand and demanded the royal family returned to Paris with them.