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Genres of the 1950s

At the turn of the decade, movie genres once again began to change. The audience craved more, and film makers were prepared to deliver. An idea struck to adopt the old science fiction tales for the big screen. Big budget titles like The Fly, and The Day the Earth Stood Still are key examples of early science fiction films. They were known for their unique special affects that had never been seen in a movie before. These movies were made to show families what may lie in the future, and in the stars. These movies introduced long lasting franchises that would continue for decades to come.

In the following years, people once again decided to experiment. This is what brought films to the wild west. A time of uncertainty and danger, what more could you ask for. These movies first appeared in the late 1950s. They brought memorable crime fighters, and an iconic setting to the world of cinema. Believe it or not, westerns did not rise to popularity until the next decade. This was mainly due to science fiction dominating the theaters. In fact, some popular western stars started acting careers in science fiction. Clint Eastwood's first film was actually a film called Revenge of the Creature. It is a sequel to the science fiction horror film called, The Creature from the Black lagoon. It was a series produced by Universal Studios.

Genres of the 1950s

At the turn of the decade, the audience began to crave more. In response to this huge uproar for something new, film makers decided to adapt the stories from old science fiction tales for the big screen. The result was a genre that possibly defines the 1950s as a whole. Science fiction movies were known for their high budget, and memorable plots. These movies were intended for everyone that was willing to travel to the future, beyond the stars, or to a different dimension. This genre released such classics as The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Fly, and The Blob. I highly recommend looking through the collection of old science fiction tales, as they're all very unique.

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Dark Showcase

By [email protected]