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-Buchenwald was a concentration camp in Germany, which was opened in July of 1937. (Ayer 18) Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps in fact according to ushmm.
-Elie’s father developed a high fever shortly after arriving. (Bayer 59) -Elie was upset to the point he left his father’s side. Elie did feel guilty so eventually came back. Elie‘s father was sick from the convoy and wasn’t able to do much. (Wiesel 101) Weaker and weaker everyday, Elie became upset with the doctors because they would not help his father. His father continually asking for water but Elie refused because it would kill him. The other prisoners in the block stole his father’s food. (106)
-On January 28th, an officer hit Elie’s father on the head because of his “annoyance” to the prisoners. Elie fell asleep that night with his father underneath him, and woke up with a new inmate below him. His father had died January 29th, 1945. (Bayer 60)
-During the interview with Oprah, Elie confesses, the worse experience he had in camp was when his father called out to him, and he neglected, fearful of being beaten. (
-After his father died, about 3 months later, Elie, the age of 16, and 20,000 others were liberated on April 11th. (60)The only thing the recently liberated prisoners wanted was food. (Wiesel 109) The last time Elie looked in the mirror was in the ghetto. After liberation, he decided to look in the mirror. Shaken, he described, “A living corpse” looking back at him.
Eli Wiesel