Intoducing FlowVella – The Next Era in Presentation Software
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Intoducing FlowVella – The Next Era in Presentation Software

As you may have already noticed around here, things are looking a little bit different. That’s because Flowboard is now FlowVella™. As our product has grown and matured, our design has changed, and we’ve ultimately expanded from our mobile-centric roots. We launched the Mac version in July, and continue to improve the web player experience. While we…

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Presenter Notes, Presenter Display and Auto Advance

Today we’re introducing a few of our brand new features in the 1.1 FlowVella for Mac update: Presenter Notes, Presenter Display and Auto Advance (Autoplay)! We’ve heard from many of you that you often use FlowVella to present in front of a live audience and want a way to present in a timely and organized…

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Unposting vs. Deleting a Flow

Have you ever posted a Flow only to realize you made a mistake and need to unpost it immediately? No worries! This is a simple task, and we’re going to walk you through a couple of options for unposting a Flow. How to Unpost a Flow On the iPad, unposting is simple. Tap on the…

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How To Build a Graphic Design Portfolio

As a designer, one of my favorite uses for FlowVella is none other than making a design portfolio! There aren’t a lot of options out there for designers to “plug and play” their content without creating a full website. FlowVella is a great solution to this problem; just grab your portfolio pieces from your favorite…

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How to Create a Navigation Bar in FlowVella

You’ve probably seen some of our Flows that feature custom navigation bars, like our Beauty Template, or in the Dale Radio Flow in the catalog. But did you know you can easily create replicate this on any Flow you create? Today we’re going to show you how easy it is to add this feature to any Flow you own!…

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This just in: FlowVella announced as launch partners with Adobe

At FlowVella, we have a profound respect for the artist’s canvas. After all, we’d never have the opportunity to delight in Monet’s Water Lilies or Botiticelli’s The Birth of Venus if there was no inviting blank space for them to fill. But here’s the thing: we’ve come a long way from the days of canvas…

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How to Include a PDF and Alter the Preview Image in 6 Easy Steps (FlowVella for Mac)

Have you been wondering how to add your PDFs to your Flows? We’re here to help! We’ve got the full tutorial to help you through adding your own PDF to your Flow, as well as how to update the preview image so that you can use your own custom image to represent your PDF! 1….

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Collaborate with Duplicate and Edit Feature

Have you ever wanted to collaborate with others on the same FlowVella presentation but didn’t know how? Or maybe you’ve just discovered FlowVella and have yet to create your own. Either way, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how easy it is to share and edit Flows with others. If you’re working on…

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Example #FlowVellaMacContest Entry with Video

Here is a video of me building my #FlowVellaMacContest Entry on FlowVella for Mac and below the actual finished product. I can’t win, but I enjoy making these (honestly). I have a few more that I’ll post later. View on FlowVella – Presentation Software for iPad and Mac