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The “Final Solution”
. When the Germans began to occupy occupy Poland in 1939, and the Soviet Union in 1941, they seized the opportunities to solve the problem of Jews in Germany and other places in Europe.
. In Soviet Union
.. During their invasion of the Soviet Union, the Nazis dispatched 3000 men known as “SS Einsatzgruppen” (action squads) to deliberately kill the entire populations of Jews, Roma (Gypsies) and other undesirables in the newly occupied territories
.. After serieses of mass shootings in ditches and ravines, the killing units had killed about 1.4 million Jews by the end of 1941.
. As the special action squads were involved with the genocide of the Jews in the Soviet Union, Hitler wanted to get rid of all Jews under the areas of German control.
.. At the Wannsee Conference in January of 1942, the Nazi leaders agreed to evacuate all Jews from Europe to camps in eastern Poland, where they would be worked to death or just killed immediately.
.. The German forces, with the aid from other countries, rounded up all the Jews and deported them to specially constructed concentration camps in Poland.
. Concentration Camps
.. The weaker people, usually the sick and elderly often perished in overcrowded freight cars on the way to the concentration camps.
.. In some of the camps like Kulmhof, Belzec, Majdanek , Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz, more developed ways to torture and kill the Jews were used. Among those methods, gassing was the most efficient way to exterminate many people at once, even though other methods were used, such as electrocution, phenol injections, flamethrowers, hand grenades and machine guns.The largest camp was Auschwitz, where more than a million Jews were killed.
.. Besides big gas chambers, and other tools of torture, the Nazis also constructed large crematories to incinerate the bodies of the gassed Jews and hide the evidence of their crimes.