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Jessie daniel Ames

sidney bechet

He was a famous musician, although he didn't cure any mistakes, bechet did make a small impact. his music was lovely and he was known for it, yet in america there were too may racial problems. sidney could not handle the discomfort. he then moved to Europe to play his music in a band. I'm sure he missed america or some sort, he later then came back and opened a dry cleaning shop in harlem. the critics were waiting for his jazzy music, europe called for him once again and he returned and stayed in france, as an idol.


Born in Texas, she was a suffragist. She fought the power to whom would lynch. she would slowly create a community that grew for anti- lynching and anti-suffragist. As she gathered attention form others one by one, The women she would work with would be in danger. The ladies could be harmed from the people supported the opposite things as they did. The women also did not to worry their family with this subject so they didn't say anything to their husbands. lucky as the women were who fought there had been no more lynching from then on, thanks to Jessie.

Barbara johns

Johns was born in New York, when she grew older her family decided to move back to Virginia. At age sixteen she attended her local high school. as a junior she hated the system for school for her and her peers. Barbara created a school that wasn't to flashy but well educated. she wanted to be learning the same way as whites. as hard as she pushed she achieved what she needed.

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Ch. 16 Project

By sam