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The kinds of education during the 1800's included, public education, as well as private school, colleges, all-female academies, hired tutors, special education for the disabled, education for African Americans and prisoners.

Yes, there were colleges, some colleges included, Oberlin College, Harvard University, Brown University, Avery College and Mount Holyoke College.

Even though information on the separation of grade levels by elementary, middle and high school is unclear during the 1800's, there were schools that children attended and schools that older children could attend. People that were allowed to attend included, children, African Americans, prisoners, blind or deaf people, women and all classes of people.

Popular topics for learning in the early 1800's, were literature, reading, instruction in morals and social values.

People like Charles Grandison Finney, practiced freedom of religion by challenging traditional Protestant beliefs and holding revivals that were controversial towards other ministers. Because there was freedom of religion, ministers like Lyman Beecher and even the government could not ban the ways in which Finney preached Christianity. Others practiced freedom of religion by practicing different religions.

Yes, there were preachers and churches. Examples of preachers can include Lyman Beecher and Charles Finney. The African Methodist Episcopal Church is an example of a church during the 1790's and early 1800's.

Most Americans, including African Americans and women participated in religion.

Education & Religon

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Civil War

By Lizzie