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There has been one question that the baseball community has been trying to answer for over 100 years. Who invented Baseball? Some people think it was Abner Doubleday. Some say it was Alexander Cartwright. The real answer is Cartwright in 1845 after his business building set on fire. He put these important things on the field of play:
• Set bases 90 feet apart.
• Established 9 innings per game.
• Established 9 players per side.
• Organized Knickerbocker Base Ball Club
• Brought baseball to the Pacific Coast.
Cartwright was born on April 17, 1820 in New York City. He was a serious man and three children named DeWitt, Mary, and Catherine Lee. Before Cartwright was a baseball legend, he was a clerk in an office on Wall St. Then he worked at a local Union Bank, also as a clerk. A couple of years later, he joined as a volunteer for 2 fire stations. He played bat-and-ball games on the streets of Manhattan. This "sport" is called street ball. When the building set on fire, he invented the game called baseball. His first league was called the

Who Made Baseball?

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By RyanM

This is a book on baseball.