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The two main works of literature in the Aryan Civilization are the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.



The Mahabharata, considered India's greatest epic, has over 106,000 verses, almost three times longer than the Bible. It is divided into 18 books that tell the tale of five prince brothers known as the Pandavas who were next in line to rule the kingdom of Kuru. However, their jealous cousins, the Kauravas, stepped in and forced the blind and old king named Phritashtra to let whoever won a gambling match rule for thirteen years. The loser would be exiled for fourteen years. The Pandavas lost and thus were exiled for those long years, patiently waiting until when they could come back and take back the throne. However, after the thirteen years were over, they headed to the kingdom only to find that the Kauravas did not want to let go of the crown. Determined, the Pandavas engaged them in a fierce eighteen day battle, and finally justice prevailed.

The book centers around the lessons of corruption and strength in hard times, teaching its people to model after the brave brothers and learn from their lessons.

The Ramayana, another great Hindi epic, tells the tale of the soon-to-be king, Rama, who marries the princess Sita. However, Rama's stepmother wants her own son to rule, and banishes Rams and Sita for fourteen years. While wandering, Ravana, a demon king, kidnaps Sita, and takes her away to the island of Lanka. Rama, determined, chases her kidnapper and is able to defeat Ravana and take back Sita. After the fourteen years have passed, the two of them return to the city and become king and queen of Kosala, enjoying a prosperous reign of peace and harmony.

Ramayana gives focus to the necessity of staying faithful to love and never giving up. It also talks about how when faced with a challenge, good will always prevail.

Check out this video of the play of Ramayana!

Check out this video of an exerpt from Mahabharata!

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Flowboard project set 1 Lizzie Dolan

By Lizzie Dolan