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Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world today. Originating in India, it has had a huge affect on the the culture and beliefs. The religion itself is based on the journey to escaping reincarnation. Unlike other religions, it does not have a single founder nor a single system of morality. Instead, it believes in Brahman, or that all reality is unity, and the concept of the cycle of rebirth by Karma.
Hinduism centers its teachings around several holy texts. The Vedas, which were created in Aryan times, offer hymns, prayers, and advice on topics like meditation and the Hindi philosophical teachings. The texts of the Samhitas are used mainly by priests for rituals, traditions, and worship.
Within the religion, followers are expected to understand and carefully apply several universal terms to their daily lives. These include dharma, the good deeds a person does that holds up the universe, and varna, the duty to a believer's caste.