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Major Indus Cities
Harappa was the first Indus site discovered and plays a crucial role in the Indus Civilization. It is also thought to be one of the twin capitals and the main city. Since it was the first city to excavated, the Indus era is often referred to as the Harappan Civilization.
The city, named after a modern village near the Ravi River, was established officially somewhere around 2600 BCE and had an impressive grid system that covered 250 square acres. Holding at its peak 23,500 residents, it offered wide streets and a sewage system. Archaeologists also have discovered at the site perhaps the oldest clay tablet ever found, dating back to before Harappa was a main city in 3300 BCE.
Mohenjo-Daro, meaning Mound of the Dead, is another prominent city that had several technological advances. Also a capital and built with a grid pattern like Harappa, it is home to the Great Bath and the Great Granary, and it is considered the earliest major urban city by many historians. It also housed a huge chicken coop where it is thought that early cock-fights took place.
From its site, many famous artifacts have been discovered, including the "Dancing Girl," a small statue of child known famously for her hand on her hip and her sassy look, and the "Priest-King," a tiny stone sculpture that is one of the only representations of a king or priest ruler.
Check out this video to learn more about the Indus Civilization!