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Gupta empire

The Gupta Empire is the biggest, most powerful empire in Ancient India. It lasted from only 320 BC-550 ad, but had a lasting legacy. The empire most primary Hindu and followed all the same practices as the Aryans. The people there promoted the fact of life being peaceful, while still getting work done and the empire growing. The Gupta empire was located in most of northern India and parts of Bangladesh. Instead of one big king who made all the decisions, Guptan Government divided up the power to officials to take care of small villages. The society was based mostly on the religion of Hinduism with the strict caste system. Family was a big part of Guptan life and shaped the ways people held traditions and cherished life. Families that had more money or loved in a higher class tend to band together in joint families. They marry within the families and have a long line of ancestry. Speaking of marriage, it has been the way for thousands of years for parents to pick who you marry=arranged marriages.

There have been many accomplishments of the Gupta empire that have bled over into many civilizations. Because it was such a rich empire, growth was easily allowed. For some of the first times ever people got education. They got taught in places of worship and learned about math, reading, and science. The guptans invented ways of looking at math such as the number 0 and the decimal system. The Arabic numerals that originated in India where brought from Middle East. They also many advancements in medicine by vaccinating people for small pox. Many work of literature were transferred over countries into Greece, Egypt, Persia, and the Middle East. Unfortunately the downfall of the empire was inevitable and was weakened by invaders and unfit rulers.

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Ancient Indian Civilizations

By Olivia Stevens