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Indus River valley

It arose around 2500 B.C. around the same time as Egypt. They started excavated the cite around 1921. Not much is known or was found but we do know that the 2 major cites of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. There were about 35,000 people in each city. They had many accomplishments for such an early civilization, such as two-story high houses and courtyards that were decorated with plants and statues. The Indus civilization was lot very elaborate and did not have expensive buildings and architecture, such as Ancient Egypt, the Gupta empire, and even Chinese dynasties. Little is known about the ways and cultures of these people because no names of kings, gods, or works of literature have been found yet. We do know, however that the cities were accomplished and thus is an important part of history.

The Indus River Valley was located in northwestern India and had much to offer geographically. The river flowed through the middle of the civilization. The land around was relatively flat so structures could be built.

The indus people developed a strange form of writing that has not been deciphered yet because it is so different from cuneiform. Nobody has found any works of literature pertaining to that time, but we do know that they worshiped gods and goddess. They may have even idolized cattle.

Since their are no records of why the empire declined, we can only guess that life was declining. Many believe that intermixing tribes called the Aryans came from Central Asia to take over. Also, flooding may have caused people to get up and move to rebuild.

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Ancient Indian Civilizations

By Olivia Stevens