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Slavery and abolition

Because of all the crops and inventions growing, slaves were actually becoming useless to the slave owners. Compared to the north, the south had a big amount of slaves. The use of salves didn't completely run out but eight months after the civil war ended, the United States took in the 13th Amendment. On December 6, 1865 the U.S now got rid of slavery from the land and the south and north was now slave-free.

When farmers just used to pick cotton a Northerner Eli Whitney who invented the cotton gin which allowed textile mill factories to use the cotton. A Northern abolitionist, Boston editor and publisher by the name of William Lloyd Garrison was against slavery. The Underground Railroad was a secret railroad that helped slaves escape, but not all of them could. Abraham Lincoln was against slavery and he thought of the preliminary emancipation proclamation.This proclamation declared after a speicifc date slaves would be finally free.

In the newspaper or anywhere else they showed the news portrayed that slavery was ok. They usually had pictures representing something about skavery and they would insert racist comments or speech bubbles. They news made it look like slavery was ok and the scars on a slave's back was the slave's fault and the white slave owners aren't. Doing anything wrong. The slave owners are so wrong and slavery is not ok but the newspaper made it seem like the normal thing.

If I was to predict the fate or runaway slaves in the South I would think it would be more hard than the North. As I said before, in the North there were barely any slaves so if slaves were to run away from the South it would be a 1% chance. There are so many slave owners in the south and a chance of running away and surviving would be a really tiny chance. I predict that they would get caught and they would have to face torturous death or painful beatings from their master. Salves who ran away were really brave but some got caught but others who were rarely lucky were able to escape.

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Civil war

By Abby