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One of the battle the confederate side has won is the First a Battle of Bull Run. A lot of soldiers were involved in this battle estimating about 35,000 troops. President Lincoln was on the opposing side for the union and the general of McDowell led the union army. The leaders and general and armies were involved in this battle at Bull Run. The purpose of the First Battle of Byll Run was because the union general, McDowell and his troops attacked the confederates at Matthews Hill. The confederates fought back and this became a battle. There were a lot of obstacles during this battle because the Confederate side didn't know this battle was going to happen because the union attacked them out of nowhere. You could say that the Confederates have a fast reflex because they ended up winning the battle that happened out of the blue. On the confederate side 387 soldiers were killed, 1,582 were wounded, and 13 were taken prisoner and captured.
The confederates also won the Second Battle of Bull Run. Same as before, the same people were involved like Lincoln, the generals and army. But this time Lincoln got frustrated from the loss of the previous battle that he called General John Pope to go march out instead. Jackson, the general for the confederates, wanted to defeat him so he couldn't join another enemy and be stronger than them. The first day of the battle was so brutal and violent. A lot of killing, stabbing, shooting and a lot of blood was spilled that first day. The result of this bloody battle was the Confederate side won AGAIN. Approximately 1,300 soldiers were killed and 7,000 were wounded.